Thursday 30 October 2014

A Movie I'd Like to Watch Again

Hi Blogheads.

Today I’m going to talk about a film I’ve seen that I’d like to watch again. I love watching films and there are a number of films I’ve seen more than once. Actually, there are some films that I’ve seen on numerous occasions: Mad Max 2 – 8 times in a weekend, Rumblefish – at least a dozen times, Brazil – a handful of times, and the list goes on. The last film I re-watched was Cloud Atlas. I saw it at the cinema when it came out (a friend gave me free tickets), and I saw it again on DVD about 2 weeks ago.
At the moment, I think the film I’d most like to see again is Fish Tank, a film about a young teenage girl growing up in a poor, working-class district of London. It’s a drama that really demonstrates some of the difficulties teenagers face growing up in modern society. My sister recommended the film to me and I went to see it in either Cine Arte Alameda or El Biogrofo in 2009. The film is a modern British social drama.  There are great performances from Katie Javis  - as Mia the dance-crazy teenager – and Michael Fassbender – as Connor, who is Mia’s mother’s boyfriend.  Child actor Rebecca Griffiths is also brilliant as Tyler – Mia’s foul-mouthed younger sister. I’d like to see this movie again because I really enjoyed the wonderful performances, because it reminded me of life in Britain, and because it was weirdly wonderful. The film is from 2009 and was directed by Andrea Arnold who also wrote and produced the excellent Red Road in 2006. Actually, that’s another film I’ve like to watch again:)

Write about a film you’d like to watch again.
When and where you say it for the first time,
What it’s about,
Who starred in the film,
Why you’d like to see it again. 

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Thursday 23 October 2014

A Concert or Exhibition

Hi Blogheads: Today I'd like you to write about a concert or exhibition you went to. I'm going to tell you about the last gig (concert) I went to. So, on October 9th, I went to see Damon Albarn in Teatro Caupolican. It was a really great show. I was never really a fan of Blur, the group Albarn became famous with, but I liked the Gorilaz stuff and loved The Good, The Bad & The Queen. This concert featured songs from all of these sources plus tracks from Albarn's latest solo album - Everyday Robots. The musicians were top quality and they put on a fine show. The band were joined by special guests including a rapper, an 8-piece Gospel choir, and a Norwegian trumpet player. I liked the fact that the concert was varied. Damon had a really good connection with the audience and it was a great atmosphere - lots of sing-a-longs and friendly banter. Teatro Caupolican is a great place to see live acts, especially if you are in the standing area. It's a very intimate venue and this helped make Damon Albarn's gig something special. The only bad thing was that the crowd didn't encourage the band to do a second encore. This is a major flaw in nearly all the concerts I've been to here.

Write about a concert or exhibition you went to.
What (who) it was,
When and where it was,
Why you went,
What you liked about it,

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Something you are reading

Hi Thursday Blogger,

Today I'd like you write about something you are reading at the moment. I often tend to read various things at the same time. I read the Guardian, a British newspaper, online everyday and novels, academic papers, mangas and comics (when I have time). I also have to read things students have written, essays, blog posts and that sort of think. Currently, I'm reading a novel called "The Bone Clocks" by my favorite (living) British autor David Mitchell. It's a sort of modern day fantasy/drama/thriller thing and although I've only read the first 50 pages or so, I'm really enjoying it. I'm reading it because I'm a big fan of Mitchell - I've read all six of his novels. It's a bit difficult to tell you what it's about at the moment because I'm still trying to get the gist of the story. It's Split into six different sections and I've just started the second one. The first was set in the 1970's and is about a 15-year old girl who runs away from home. She keeps having strange "day-mares" - like nightmares but that happen when you are awake. And in the last one a stange spirit is after her. She witnesses him killing some people she has met but is saved when another spirit enters her body. The second part, which I've just started, is about a 22-year old student at Cambridge University. He's quite well off and is a bit of a casanova. I think Mitchell's most weel-known novel is Cloud Atlas (El Atlas de Las Nubes) which was made into a film recently. That was also a great novel. Here's the trĂ¡iler:)
Write about something you are reading at the moment.
What it's called,
What genre it is (novel, academic, manga, newspaper, etc)
Why you are reading it,
Whether you are enjoying it,
What it is about.

Mention anything else that is important. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Thursday 9 October 2014

A special talent

Hi Blogheads,

Today we're going to write about a special skill or talent. It could be playing a musical instrument, doing magic tricks or standing on your head (a yoga asna!). Anyway, I'd like to tell you about my wonderful sense of direction. For some reason, I rarely get lost. My wife says that I'm a human GPS, and I do seem to have some sort of sixth sense when it comes to finding my way around. I've travelled to different places and managed to get from one place to another with relative ease. Additionally, if I go back to a place for a second time, I have no problem in recalling routes I'd taken on my first visit. I've no idea how I developed this talent but I think it's quite useful. One or two other people have commented on this ability but often because it's something they don't do well. I guess your average person my not think it is anything special so I can't really make any comparisons.  I guess it’s been most useful when I’ve been visiting other Citys and Countrys but it’s also good for locating cars in crowded car parks:) Actually, I don't know anybody else with such a good sense of direction although I'm sure there must be others out there.
Maybe I should have been a taxi driver!!

Write about a special talent you have.

What it is,
Why it is useful,
What other people thing of your talent,
How you acquire this talent.

Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Thursday 2 October 2014

A Group Activity

Hi Blogheads,

Today I'm going to tell you about a group activity I like to do. Actually, there are lots of group activities I've done on a regular basis all my life. When I was younger my I would go on long walks with my family. Then I joined the scouts as a young boy. I've also made music in lots of different groups (and places) as well. However, today I'm going to talk about playing football. I got into football and I've played that in a group for over 40 years (phew!). I played in my school team from the age of 10 or 11 until I left school. Then, we a group of friends, we joined a local Sunday league and after that I've played more or less non-stop since. In Chile I play with a team on Wednesday evenings at Zamorano's in Bilbao with Padre Hurtado. I meet these people though a friend of a friend at a party and they invited me to play. That was about 8 years ago. Actually, I've only played a few times this year because had an injury and then didn't have enough time.
The last time I played footbal was about two weeks ago in Perth (Australia). I was on holiday and Pedro, a Chilean friend, invited me to play with his work mates. I enjoy doing this group activity for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps me relax by getting rid of built up stress and tension. When you're playing you forget everything. It also helps me keep a fairly good level of fitness although it's easy to injury yourself if you're not careful. It's very easy to organise. You only need 2 or more people, a ball and a couple of jumpers for goalposts and then you can have hours of fun. Finally, it's a great way of sharing and working with other people in a fun environment.

Write about a group activity you do now (or did in the past)
What it is,
How often you do (did) it,
Who you do it with,
How long you've been doing it,
What it involves,
Why you enjoy it.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blog of at least 3 classmates.