Thursday 13 November 2014

Why I'm Studying....................................

Today I'd like you to write about why you decided to study the subject you chose to study. I studied modern languages at university. I didn't give in much thought actually. I studied as a mature student and I took the course because it was related to my área of work at the time - teaching English.
I had been living in Spain teaching English and I went back to Britain to do a TEFL qualification. Once I'd finished I started to notice that most good Jobs required a university degree. Anyway, a friend of mine taught on a modern languages course and he suggest that I apply.
I enjoyed studying. I made some good friends and one of the attractive things about the course was that I had to live in a foreign country for 12 months during my 3 year. This is how I first came to Chile. What I didn't like about the subject was that it was very business oriented. I chose courses related to literature and culture but I still had to do some courses on economics which I found very boring.
I think being a mature student made a big difference on how I approached studying. I didn't go out as much as my classmates and I spent more time in the library than the majority. Coming to Chile was obviously the best part of my student life. I spent a year as a Language Assistant in Universidad Metropolitain de Las Ciencias de La Educación (UMCE) and had a wonderful time. I think living abroad as part of my study programme was a great experience and a wonderful opportunity to learn. In my case, it was the beginning of a new period of my life that is still going on today.

Write about why you decided to study the subject you chose.
What factors influenced your decisión.
What you like about the subject
What you dislike about the subject,
What you intend to do once you graduate.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Something You Are Proud Of

Hi Blogheads.
Today I’d like to talk about something I am proud of. I know pride is one of the seven deadly sins but it isn’t always bad. Bad pride is bragging about something or – to use a common English saying - ‘blowing your own trumpet’. In another context, the feeling of satisfaction you get from having achieved something difficult or complicated could also be described as pride but it’s a very personal sensation. It could be from running a marathon, winning a prize at school, learning to drive or play a musical instrument, or simply from making someone else feel good. Well, one time I had this feeling was when I got my MA result. I foolishly did my MA by Distance Learning but because it was my only option. I couldn’t afford to take a year off to dedicate to studying. Additionally, I wanted to study in an English speaking university. Working full time and studying was a problem and took me 4-and-a-half years to finish a 3-year course. I took a 6-month break after the first module because I was overwhelmed. I also have to take a yearlong break after module 3 because of a stress related virus. Writing my dissertation was a nightmare but it was the part I was most proud of and was actually my highest mark. I often had to read and write all night and go to work without having slept. I cross-referenced a huge amount of sources but, despite the sleepless nights and days, I really enjoyed the experience. I wouldn’t like to do it again but I guess I’m proud I did a good job.

Write about something you are proud of.
What it is,
Why you are proud of it,
How difficult or easy it was,
Whether you would like to relive the experience.

Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.